The Googonian Flag and Anthem
The Googonian Flag and Anthem
Featuring the crossed barbeque tongs and cricket bat surrounded by gum leaf wreath, our flag symbolises the laidback outdoor way of life enjoyed by every Googonian. Plus, it doubles as a picnic blanket.

Googonian Anthem
(To the tune of Along the Road to Gundagai)
We are glad, far from sad, we’re not smug… well, just a tad.
Because we’re proud Googonians.
We recycle water so our gardens stay green.
We’ve got a special fondness for barbie cuisine.
Room to move, lots to do, life is good for me and you.
When you’re a proud Googonian.
Here’s Tom and Tina, they’re here for a tea.
We know lots of people in our comm-un-it-y.
Don’t you fret, there’s high speed net, the tech’s as good as it can get.
For every proud Googonian.
Lots of trees, country breeze, sit on porch with wine and cheese.
When you’re a proud Googonian.
The kids are all playing outside with their friends.
For families at Googong the fun never ends.
Yes we could, yes we should, settle in and stay for good.
Now we are proud Googonians.