Monday, 15 September, 2014
Queanbeyan City Council’s Googong Sustainable Housing, project was launched by Queanbeyan Mayor, Cr Tim Overall on Friday. This project provides a range of resources to assist people who are building at Googong to improve the sustainability of their new home, increasing their comfort, health, environmental quality, and reducing household running costs.
Free one-hour consultations with an architect and energy efficiency expert as well as workshops and online resources are now available through the Googong Sustainable Housing project website.
One hour one-on-one consultations with an architect and energy efficiency expert are available free of charge in either CIC Australia’s office in Canberra City on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, or in the sales office in Club Googong on Sundays. These consultations are available through to November 2014. Places are strictly limited and bookings are essential.
All workshops are held at the Sales and Information Centre inside Club Googong, Beltana Ave, Googong NSW. No bookings are required.
Workshop 1: What is sustainable housing? What is passive design?
6pm Thursday 25 September
Workshop 2: Home energy and water efficiency.
6pm Thursday 16 October
Workshop 3: Green and healthy materials
11am Sunday 19 October
Workshop 4: Indoor environment quality, and the outdoor environment
1pm Sunday 19 October
Workshop 5: What is sustainable housing? What is passive design?
11am Sunday 2 November
Workshop 6: Home energy and water efficiency
1pm Sunday 2 November
A range of resources such as factsheets, checklists and case studies to assist home builders at Googong is also be available online.
More information about the online resources, workshops or to book your free one-on-one advisory session, visit QCC's website here, or call 6285 6246 (business hours).
This is a Queanbeyan City Council initiative made possible through a grant from the NSW Government and the NSW Environment Trust.