Monday, 26 March, 2018

Easter Trading
Over the Easter Long Weekend our sales office and display village hours will be:
Good Friday - sales office and display village closed
Easter Saturday - sales office open 10am-4pm; display village open 11am-4pm
Easter Sunday - sales office and display village closed
Easter Monday - sales office open 10am-4pm; 13 of our 18 home display village will be open from 11am-4pm
Our sales office is otherwise open 10am-5pm every day, while our 18-home display Village is otherwise open Saturday to Wednesday 11am-4pm.
Sales and Information Centre
27 Beltana Avenue Googong NSW
Phone 1300 446 646
Display Village
11 Aprasia Avenue Googong NSW
Phone 1300 446 646
Wishing you a very happy and safe Easter!