Friday, 18 October, 2019

Major roadworks are continuing on Old Cooma Road to improve access into Googong. Although it is great news for our growing community, sadly, it means Boogong 2019 cannot go ahead.
Every year our fun Halloween event attracts thousands of visitors and, of course, if there was to be any kind of emergency during that time, the fire brigade, ambulance or police would need easy access. Until the road is widened, there are concerns that emergency vehicles may not be able to make their way through several pinch points on Old Cooma Road where traffic typically builds up during Boogong. The good news for the future is that the roadworks will upgrade Old Cooma Road to provide dual carriage way from Edwin Land Parkway to the Googong township turnoff.
In the meantime, it’s disappointing that we need to push the ‘pause’ button on Boogong 2019 – but of course the safety of our residents, neighbours and visitors always comes first. Boogong will be back in 2020 and we look forward to making it our biggest and best yet!
$31m roadworks to link Googong to region
The 4.5km long duplication of Old Cooma Road from Edwin Land Parkway to the entrance to Googong - widening and straightening the road with two lanes in each direction. It will also have provision for cyclists and a 2.5 metre off road shared path. It represents a $31m investment into infrastructure for the region and will make a positive impact on safe and timely travel for Googonians connecting to the ACT and Queanbeyan. Full plans and details can be viewed here.