Making a move for local communities
Great ideas can come from anyone at any age, and we want to help get yours off the ground.
Midvale Junior Football club
The kids loved the chance to learn new skills during their time at the club and had the opportunity to test these skills with their family and peers.
The season finished off with a wind up for the kids involved, where they each received a medallion for their participation.
After another great season, the Midvale Junior Football Club plan on holding the All Abilities Clinic again next year.
Swan Suburbs Rugby Club
The Club saw a diverse mix of participants, with children of all ages getting involved. This included swan babies 3-5 years and above, U7s, U9s and U11s team as well as U16s girls team plus seniors
All teams had a fantastic season with the U11s making preliminary finals and U16s making the grand final which was held at the club’s home grounds. The seniors also made the semi-finals.
Following the U7s girls' grand finals, the Club held an awards ceremony and disco party with plenty of finger food to go around.
The Club had a wonderful season with many happy parents and players that are excited to return next season.
The Club is currently running a touch rugby program for both juniors and seniors on Thursday nights to give everyone a chance to increase their skills for next season as well as keeping fit and active over the break.
Movida Community Partnership Program
Does your community group need help delivering current activities or kick-starting a new initiative?
If the answer is ‘yes’ then we want to hear from you!
Applications for the Movida Estate Community Partnership Program are now open to all volunteer groups and projects, service agencies and schools within the area that may be in need of a boost.
Groups undertaking projects with a focus on environment and sustainability, family and community activities, sport, the arts and education are particularly encouraged to apply.
Download the Partnership Guidelines and Application Form HERE and apply today.
For more information contact the Peet Community Information Line on 1800 819 912 or email community@peet.com.au