The best of both worlds. That's what Spring Mountain Acreage Estate gives you the opportunity to enjoy, with this stunning countryside location boasting plenty of local urban convenience for the whole family. Hidden in the Greenbank countryside, Spring Mountain offers an idyllic, peaceful lifestyle that's surprisingly close to Brisbane and Springfield Lakes.
Communities of this style and quality are becoming increasingly rare - so don't miss your chance to escape to your natural habitat at Spring Mountain today.
Whether entertaining guests at home in your new spacious backyard, or exploring the many local parks, lagoons and reserves, you’ll always be surrounded by nature when you call Spring Mountain Acreage Estate home.

Your own acreage will supply you with all the space you need for quality family entertainment at home all year long. But living in Spring Mountain Acreage Estate also means becoming part of a close-knit and welcoming community where you can catch up with new friends at home or anywhere in the great outdoors.

Enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle is easy at Spring Mountain Acreage Estate. Join your local rugby league or footy club at Greenbank Sport and Recreation Club, or make a splash at the nearby swimming club. Local parks make the perfect setting for morning or afternoon fitness sessions, and nearby riding and hiking trails are the perfect way to spend your weekend afternoons.


King parrot
#australianbirds #landforwildlife #birdsofaustralia #kingparrot #birdsofqueensland #springmountainforestpark

Just another day at the office
#springmountainlife #springmountainestate #springmountain #bushwalks

House progress!
#notjustlandownersnow #springmountainlife #acreageliving #schrankhousehold #soblessed

They call it work life balance
#springmountain #springmountainestate #springmountainlife #worklifebalance #serentity #peaceful #acreage #acreagestate #australiannatives #brisbane #southeastqueensland

Spring Mountain park looking fantastic for this weekends festivites

Mother's Day picnic
#mothersday #family #picnic #love #iamthetallest