The last 4-6 weeks have seen great sales within the Tonsley Village, with Stage 5 & 8 being released to the market. When finished, these two stages will complete the North Eastern Corner of the project and will result in the extension of Digital Drive to Swan Court.
Stage 8 will see the introduction of 2 x new architecturally designed Terrace Homes that will front the future central reserve and it is expected that civil works will commence in August. We are looking forward to the release of these new homes in the coming weeks.
Verge and landscaping works continue to advance within Stages 1, 2 & 3 and we are hoping to have the majority of this work completed over the coming months.
And finally, train Commuters would have noticed that works on the new Tonsley Railway Station, south of Alawoona Avenue have commenced. Further information on the new train station can be found on here >
Tonsley Development Update December