Lightsview Is Complete!
The Lightsview residential development is now complete!
It is important that local residents feel confident and positive about the future of the Lightsview community and know who to contact now and moving forward as questions arise.
To assist with this transition process, please find below a list of comprehensive frequently asked questions for quick and easy reference.
If you have a question that isn't answered, please contact the local City Of Port Adelaide Enfield Council via the link below, as they will be managing Lightsview community questions moving forward.
Lightsview FAQs
Somebody has damaged my water / sewer / electrical service. What do I do?
You will need to contact the service providers for assistance. The relevant authorities are:
Water – SA Water - CONTACT HERE
Sewer – SA Water - CONTACT HERE
Recycled Water – Water Utilities Australia - CONTACT HERE
Electricity – SA Power Networks - CONTACT HERE
Telecommunications – Opticomm - CONTACT HERE
Who do I need to contact in relation to optic fibre / telecommunications?
Opticomm is the telecommunications provider in Lightsview. You will need to contact Opticomm for any issues relating to your telecommunications provision to your home. Alternatively, for issues relating specifically to your internet connection, you should first check with your internet provider.
There is a burst water main in the verge / road. Who do I need to contact?
You should contact SA Water in the first instance to investigate the burst water main, and they will send someone out urgently.
If the issue relates to a purple pipe, this relates to recycled water. In this instance, it is best to contact Water Utilities Australia on (08) 7999 8555 to report.
Who do I contact about Recycled water/potable water/purple tap?
Please contact Water Utilities Australia on (08) 7999 8555 for all matters relating to recycled water, including if you need a recycled water meter.
Damage To Footpath, Kerb or Stormwater Pipe
Somebody has damaged the footpath or kerb outside of my block. What do I do?
The footpath and kerb belongs to Council. You will need to contact Council on (08) 8405 6600, or report any damage to Council's infrastructure at
Somebody has damaged my stormwater outlet / connection from my property. What do I do?
You may need to engage a licenced plumber to install a new stormwater outlet or sleeve. They will need to ensure that the stormwater drainage on your property appropriately connects with the outlet in the kerb. Unfortunately if damage has occurred to your stormwater connection, this will need to be fixed or replaced at your own cost. If your home is still under construction, your builder may be able to assist you.
Recycled Water - Water Utilities Australia
If you are currently building your home and need to connect to the recycled water system, please see the below information.
Lightsview Welcome Letter - VIEW HERE
Lightsview Brochure - VIEW HERE
Standard Customer Supply Contract - VIEW HERE
Building Property Flyer - VIEW HERE
Customer Details Form - VIEW HERE
Direct Debit Form - VIEW HERE
If you are selling your home, you will need to notify Water Utilities Australia to close your recycled water account. Please see the below information.
Lightsview Sold Property Flyer - VIEW HERE
My neighbour wants to access my property to erect scaffolding / assist with construction of their new home, or I need to erect scaffolding on my neighbour’s land. What are both parties obligations?
Under the Lightsview encumbrance, you are obligated to provide reasonable access to your neighbour for access and setting up scaffolding, to allow them to build their home. This is necessary for terrace homes and other homes which are built on your shared boundary, as some homes cannot be built without this. If you do not provide reasonable access, you may be liable for inconvenience or additional costs that your neighbour incurs. However, your neighbour requiring access needs to give you advanced written notice, and also agree to rectify any damage that they may do to your property while they are using your property for access or scaffolding. We expect that there is a common level of understanding, civility and shared good will between neighbours in access agreements. In the event that you have a civil dispute with your neighbour about access, we recommend that you seek legal advice. Peet are not able to provide legal advice or mediate civil disputes.
My neighbours’ yard is not maintained properly. Who do I need to contact?
You will need to contact Council on (08) 8405 6600, or
I think my neighbour can see into my property. What can I do?
Generally all overlooking windows are required to be obscured to a height of at least 1.5m, so they cannot look directly into neighbouring properties. To confirm, please contact the Development Department at City of Port Adelaide Enfield, who will be able to advise you of the plans that have been approved. If the plans have not been built as approved, they will be able to investigate any overlooking issues or breaches of their planning requirements.
I need to speak to the builder on the block next door. What do I do?
All builders are obligated by law to have the contact details of the Site Manager on a sign on the construction fence. If you cannot identify the builder or Site Manager, you should contact Council’s Building department on (08) 8405 6600, or via e-mail on to provide builders details.
I think the builder next door is doing the wrong thing. What do I do?
If you believe that the builder, or someone associated with the builder is doing the wrong thing, you should contact Council to report the issue, for investigation of the matter. You should also consider whether the issue is a criminal matter and needs to be referred to the police.
I noticed a builder taking water from my house. Who do I contact to report this?
You can confront the person and ask who they are working for, you can then report this directly to their organisation. If you do not feel comfortable doing this, please contact the local police.
Parks and Reserves
There have been people at the basketball court playing late at night. Who do I contact about this noise?
We encourage the community use of public spaces that we have built in Lightsview, and it is recognised that these are public areas where the community can be active and participate in recreational activities. It should be expected that there will be some noise created by activity in the playgrounds and reserves. However, if you see or experience any anti-social behaviour, such as vandalism or criminal activity, it is recommended that you contact the local police to attend the site and investigate.
My child fell and has injured themselves at the playground. Who do I contact to voice my concerns?
Each playground at Lightsview has gone through a long and detailed design process and professional safety audit to get sign off by City of Port Adelaide Enfield Council. Everything is done to make each playground as safe and fun for children as possible, but unfortunately there are risks associated with playing on the playgrounds, and accidents do sometimes happen. If you have a concern about one of your local playgrounds, please contact Council on (08) 8405 6600, or
The lake/wetland need cleaning/maintenance. Who manages this?
This is managed and maintained by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield. You can contact Council on 8405 6600, or
There is an issue to report in the playground or in one of the reserves. Who do I report this to?
You will need to report this to Council on (08) 8405 6600, or This includes damaged equipment / fencing or vandalism.
A street tree has been damaged or a branch has fallen. Who do I contact?
Street trees are managed by Council. You will need to contact Council on (08) 8405 6600.
I need to put up a side fence. What do I do?
We suggest that you firstly consult the Fences and the Law booklet HERE. This will provide you with details and advice on erecting your fences, and your rights. A fencing notice is also included that you can send to your neighbour to claim their portion of the cost. To get your neighbour’s contact details and address, please contact Council on (08) 8405 6600 and advise them that you are needing your neighbours details to provide them a fencing notice. If your neighbour does not respond, or does not want you to install a fence and you are unable to resolve the issue face-to-face, this is a civil dispute and we would recommend seeking legal advice.
The home adjacent to me hasn’t been built / settled – can Peet share half the cost to erect a fence for privacy?
No, it is within your land contract that you cannot request reimbursement for the cost of fence from the Developer or Renewal SA. We recommend that you install the fence and seek reimbursement when the land next door changes ownership.
Survey Pegs
The site pegs have been moved on my lot, who can re-peg my site?
Before settlement occurs, Peet make sure the site has been surveyed and pegged. We always recommend re-pegging the site again before construction commences, as pegs can be moved from time to time by builders on other blocks or people driving over your block. You can contact any surveyor to confirm your lot boundaries by pegging your block.
Street Signs
A street sign has been damaged or removed; can we have this replaced?
In areas where there is a lot of building activity, Council will install street signs when substantial building work has been completed, to avoid street signs being damaged or knocked over. Please contact Council on (08) 8405 6600 to request for a new street sign to be ordered and installed.
Street Lights
A streetlight on my street is not working.
You will need to report the issue to SA Power Networks through their website HERE.
Who is responsible for collecting my bins and what days are they collected?
This service is managed and maintained by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield. You can check the Council website to confirm collection day, or contact Council on (08) 8405 6600, or
Someone is parked illegally, who do I contact?
Please call through to Council on (08) 8405 6600.
The verge in front of my property has not been landscaped, who do I contact?
Peet is no longer undertaking verge landscaping for residents. Council is now undertaking verge landscaping on behalf of Peet, at a suitable time as determined by them, once building works on your street have been substantially completed. Landscaping will be selected by Council, will likely be either granulitic or grass, and landscaping will be undertaken in bulk. If you elect a different type of verge landscaping, such as plants and groundcovers with irrigation, you may do so in accordance with Council’s Verge Development Guidelines. This would be at your cost, and may require approval through Council’s Street Care team. Please contact the Street Care team at Council on (08) 8405 6600 for more information.
My verge needs maintenance, who do I contact?
We strongly encourage all residents to maintain their own section of verge in front of their properties to keep Lightsview’s streets looking great. Council has a program for weed treatment and slashing on a 2 to 3 month cycle, however you should not rely on Council’s maintenance team to manage the verge for you as Council has a lot of verges to maintain.
Illegal Dumping
How do I prevent illegal dumping or people damaging my services on my block?
We always recommend arranging temporary fencing on your lot after you have settled, even if you have not signed a build contract with a builder. There are many temporary fencing hire companies that can arrange delivery and install to your block. As the cost of temporary fence hire is generally always less than the dump fees for illegal dumping or fixing your services, we strongly recommend that you contact a temporary fence provider, who can secure your block and prevent illegal access and dumping.
Somebody has illegally dumped rubbish or soil on my block. What do I do?
Illegal dumping on your land is a criminal matter. If you can find evidence of who has illegally dumped, the Council or the police may be able to prosecute them. You should report this to Council in the first instance on (08) 8405 6600, or via e-mail on to seek further advice, or to have the situation investigated. If the authorities are unable to prosecute anyone due to lack of evidence, you can arrange collection through a mini-skip company, who can provide the bin and take the waste materials to the dump, at a cost based on the volume or type of rubbish or waste.
Driveway Crossover
What type of concrete do I need to use for my driveway crossover – the part of my driveway between the footpath and the kerb?
The driveway crossover section between the footpath and the kerb will need to match the colour and specification of the footpath. Our contractors on site use Premix concrete and is Exposed Aggregate ‘Grey Stone’ colour. Any variations are not permitted under the encumbrance.
Cement: 230 kg/m3
Flyash: 60 kg/m3
Clinton Sand: 825 kg/m3
Penrice Aggregate 10mm: 985 kg/m3
Water: 190 L/m3
Does the encumbrance still apply?
Yes, the encumbrance still applies and is being managed and administered by Renewal SA. All land owners are still required to seek encumbrance approval for their house plans by contacting Renewal SA directly. Additionally, the lift and replace approval process for property transfers is still required. Through this process, the Lightsview encumbrance is lifted from the current land title, and replaced onto the new title with the new owner’s details. Your conveyancer will typically arrange this process with Renewal SA on your behalf. You will need to allow a minimum of 7 days for a lift and replace approval to be granted. Please note that this can hold up settlement of the property if the encumbrance has not been met, or if you do not provide sufficient time or documentation to approve the lift and replace.
Can I install a security door on my property?
Yes, however it needs to be contemporary in design, with the frame colour and style to match or complement the façade of your home. No traditional cross-hatch style security doors are permitted.
Where can I get a copy of the Lightsview Design Guidelines?
You can find a copy of the Lightsview Design Guidelines HERE.
Am I allowed to sell my land?
Selling land without a home is not permitted under the Lightsview encumbrance. This still applies as the encumbrance is still being managed / administered. If you are in the situation where you cannot meet your obligations under the encumbrance, please enquire with Renewal SA directly.
Lightsview Community Fund
The Lightsview Community Fund has been established by the Lightsview Joint Venture in conjunction with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to support the community to continue with civic programs and events. If you'd like to know more, please see common questions regarding the fund below, or contact council by email at
Background & Intended Purpose
1. Funds from the Lightsview Community Fund are available in addition to the grants available and administered by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and are to be considered a “top up”.
2. The fund has been established with the intention to support a variety of activities in the Lightsview suburb, including but not limited to:
a. Small street-based events (eg. Long lunch, street play)
b. Community improvement programs (eg. Community garden, little library)
c. Community events (eg. Halloween event, Easter event, picnic, movie night in the park)
d. Activities that benefit the Lightsview community
3. The fund is administered solely at the discretion of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.
4. The fund is a total of $15,000.00 that has been gifted to the Lightsview Community by the Lightsview Joint Venture.
5. The funds are held, administered, and distributed by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield.
6. The fund does not have an expiry date and will continue until the funds have run out.
7. Applicants can apply for a “top up” of up to $500.00 per event in addition to Council grants.
8. Only one (1) application can be made per event. It is not the intention for multiple applications be made by multiple applicants for the same event. This is to ensure the longevity of the fund.
9. The fund shall be administered by the City of Port Adelaide Enfield. For this reason, the same terms and conditions for existing Council grants also apply to the Lightsview Community Fund and applicants must seek application pathways, details, and advice from the Council.
10. In order to access the “top up”, the applicant must satisfy the following conditions in addition to those required by Council:
a. Applicant must reside within the suburb of Lightsview, and;
b. Applicant’s intended purpose for the funds must be of benefit and/or significance to the Lightsview suburb.
Lightsview Apartments FAQs
I want to bring a new pet into my apartment and am not sure if I require permission?
Yes, you will require permission from the Body Corporate before a new pet resides in your property. Please contact your Body Corporate to seek permission before purchasing a new pet.
Outside Fixtures & Fittings
I want to install a permanent fixture outside of my apartment. Do I require permission?
Yes, you will require permission from the Body Corporate before installing any permanent fixture including but not limited to blinds, roller shutters, window tinting, external lights etc. Please contact your Body Corporate directly for further information.
Repairs and Maintenance
My apartment needs repairs or maintenance.
All repairs or maintenance matters should be referred to the Body Corporate in the first instance to see if it is covered by the Strata insurance. If the insurance does not cover the particular request, the repair or maintenance issue will need to be addressed by the property owner.