Meet Ash - a first home buyer from Peet's Movida Estate.
Ash is 32, has two cats Teddy and Bear, and works at an organisation that supports people experiencing Mental Health issues. Ash shares her home building experience with us and passes on some great advice on the process of building your own home. And she is documenting her build on Instagram too - follow along @my_first_home_build.
What attracted you to Peet's Movida Estate in Midvale, WA?
I had driven past the area many times in Midvale and always really liked the look of it and thought it would be the perfect place to build my first home. It's a good half-way point between my parents and where I work. Never did I think that would actually happen, but here we are! I was also considering Brabham, but this block I have chosen is perfect.
What factors were important to you in choosing a community to build your first home?
I want to be able to walk to the shops, walk to get a coffee, so this has always been super important. Movida Estate is close to all those amenities and also close to my parents (but not too close!). I wanted a nice neighbourhood to walk, ride my bike, take my nieces and nephews to a park, and this has ticked all those boxes.
Approximately how long did it take you to find your perfect block of land? And can you describe the process of deciding on the right block for you?
Not long at all! I had an amazing New Home Consultant – Sally Alcock that arranged some block viewings in Midvale and Brabham. This was the first one she had on the list, and I think it was about a week after that I decided go for it.
Were there any restrictions with your block (fire / sound / retaining walls etc) that you had to take into account and did anyone help you understand what that meant for your build?
My back wall is a highway retainer wall. I was told that the windows will be double glazed to help dampen the sound of the highway. Other than that, there was no other specific things to cover. My New Home Consultant, Sally, didn’t leave any stone unturned and was so helpful through those first stages of my building experience.

What experts did you engage with during this process (finance / legal / inspectors etc) and how vital were they for your process?
Sally Alcock (Home Buyers Centre/Home Collective) was the first person I had the privilege of working with. She was so positive, super informative and has a real genuineness about her. Jayden (Resolve Finance) got me through all the daunting finance paperwork and he was so vital as I went into this with very little knowledge of anything financial. He explained everything in a way I could understand. My current Client Liaison, Ruth, from Homebuyers Centre - she keeps me up-to-date with my build progress.
Did you visit Display Villages during this process? If yes, was that helpful in deciding on a home design/layout and builder?
I did - my mum and I went to the Display Villages in Brabham. I would definitely say it was helpful as I ended up starting the process for my first home build from that day!
How did you decide on the right builder for you? And which builder did you choose?
I walked into the Homebuyers Display home at Brabham Estate. There, I met Sally Alcock and from that moment I knew this was the right builder for me. She was very welcoming, happy to answer all my questions and helped me find the perfect block. She also gave me some helpful hints for my pre-start.

Where are you finding design inspiration from for your home?
I use social media for inspiration. I show my friends and family what I’m thinking of and they provide me some helpful feedback.
What are you finding the most rewarding about the process to date?
Never in a million years did I think I would/could be a homeowner. I’m really proud that I have been able to do this on my own and I’m excited to make it my home.
If you could pass on any advice to people looking to buy land and build their first home, what would it be?
I would recommend going with a well-known builder with a good reputation (do your research!). Visit display homes and hopefully you come across someone that has been as helpful as my New Home Consultant was. If you’re not sure, ask! I was lucky that Sally was really easy to talk to and welcomed all my questions. I also had a friend who was just finishing up her build in Peet's Brabham Estate, and there were MANY questions I had for her! She has documented her build on Instagram - Anna and Ari and has been interviewed on the Peet blog too.
Why did you decide to document your build on Instagram? And how has it helped you?
This was a really big decision for me, I have always been a little shy and really private when it comes to sharing anything on social media (I am usually the one behind the camera, not in front of). I started to follow some other new homeowners documenting their own builds, and saw nothing but positive comments from other people going through the same thing. So, I ripped the band-aid off and made it public and started to document my build. It’s also a great way to show my friends and family how the build is going!
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