Discover the Elavale Hopscotch zone.
See if you can find the Elavale hopscotch zone along Lorikeet Approach. The colourful art display was designed by Paul Deej, a mural artist and illustrator from Perth, WA.
Did you know that thousands of years ago, Roman soldiers played hopscotch to test their strength and speed by hopping through numbered squares drawn on the ground? Little kids liked the game so much that they copied it and drew their own smaller squares, and that's where hopscotch came from!
Take the opportunity now to play this classic game. Here is how just in case you have forgotten!
How to play Hopscotch
Step 1: Throw a marker (rock, beanbag, shell, toy) onto square 1. It must land inside the square. If you miss or don’t land within the lines, you lose your turn. If you get it in Square 1, you can move on to the next step.
Step 2: Hop through all the squares, skipping the square that has your marker on. Each square can only have one foot in it, unless there are two squares next to each other. In that case, you use both feet. If you step on a line, hop on the wrong square, or step out of the square, you lose your turn.
Step 3: When you get to square 10, turn around and hop back to the start. Don’t forget to pick up your marker on your way back. While you're on the square right before the one with your marker, lean down (on one foot) and pick up the marker. Then, skip over that square and finish up.
Step 4: If you make it through the course (without losing your turn), throw your marker onto square two on your next turn. Your goal is to complete the course with the marker on each square. The first person to do this wins the game.
Good luck!