Frequently Asked Questions
The Woodville Rd residential development is now sold out!
It is important that local residents feel confident and positive about the future of the Woodville Rd community and know who to contact now and moving forward as questions arise.
To assist with this transition process, please find below a list of comprehensive frequently asked questions for quick and easy reference.

For any questions specific to land settlement, please contact Anna McCabe at If you have a question in relation to your build, you will need to contact your builder directly. This information can be found in the ‘Welcome to Woodville Rd’ document you received upon signing your contract.
Woodville Rd is situated within The City of Charles Sturt. You can find out more about The City of Charles Sturt’s amenities, community events, recreational facilities and essential services by visiting their website.
General information about The City of Charles Sturt’s services can be found:
You can also follow the City of Charles Sturt on socials below:
The City of Charles Sturt’s waste collection is weekly, and The City of Charles Sturt residents' rubbish is collected every Friday, with recycling bins every other Friday.
To learn more about waste and recycling, visit the following websites below:
City of Charles Sturt Bins: Waste, Recycling and Organics
2024/25 kerbside Collection Calendar
It is important to update your pet’s details when you move house. That way, if your dog or cat gets lost, they can be quickly identified and reunited.
To register your dog or cat, find your lost pet, register a complaint, or to learn more about responsible dog ownership, please refer to DACO (Dogs and Cats Online)
The Woodville Rd development falls into the school catchments below:
Preschool: Adelaide Miethke Kindergarten
Primary School: Woodville Primary School-
High School: Woodville High School
Nearby Preschools in different catchment areas-
- Challa Gardens Child Parent Centre
- Woodville Gardens School B-6 Children’s Centre
- Kilkenny Preschool
- Pennington Children’s Centre for Early Childhood
Nearby schools (Primary)
- Challa Gardens Primary School
- Woodville Gardens School Birth-6
- Kilkenny Primary School
- Pennington School R-6
Nearby high schools
- Findon High School
- Seaton High School
- Underdale High School
- Le Fevre High School
Faulty street lights are reported directly to SA Power Networks for repair by calling Faults and Emergencies on 13 13 66 or the SA Power Networks website.
Peet will complete all verge and reserve landscaping. Peet will maintain this for 12 months before handing it over to The City of Charles Sturt. Ultimately, the verge will be the responsibility of the owner.
You should contact SA Water in the first instance to investigate the burst water main, and they will send someone out urgently. You can learn more here:
NBN is the telecommunications provider in Woodville Rd. You will need to contact an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for any issues relating to the provision of telecommunications to your home. Alternatively, for issues relating specifically to your internet connection, you should first check with your current internet provider.